Monday, April 29, 2019

Phineas Gage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Phineas post - Research Paper ExampleHuman beings can speak and take heed every day and learn new daily activities. Human being also solves problems and makes decisions based on their judgment (Fleischman, 2004). There be different types of cognitive functions. Memory and learning are examples of cognitive functions of the brain. Problem solving, perception and movement of miscellaneous body parts are examples of cognitive functions. Learning of new activities and words, reading and speaking often explicate coordinated by the brain. These functions differentiate the benevolent beings from other species. Theses cognitive functions originate from the cerebrum part of the brain. The cerebrum comprises of the temporal lobes, frontage lobes, occipital lobes and the parietal lobes. These areas of the cerebrum have different functions (Macmillian, 2002). The Phineas sens stroke clearly explained the functions of the brain in the cognitive run. Gage got the brain injuries while he was excavating rocks that he would later use for constructing railway tracks. The rail roads injured Gage with some of his workmate during construction of the rail roads. Gage got severe brain damage. He got treat, exclusively later became left field with a permanent brain damage. The accident affected his brain thus change all his daily activities. Doctors that treated Gage noticed that he behaved different after the accident. This led to the doctors examining Gages skull to find out what was wrong that Gage was responding differently after treatment following the accident (Linden, 2007). This accident helped to explain the importance of the brain in cognitive functions. After the accident, Gage personality changed. He started acting differently from his earlier actions. Gage lost his personality. The doctors examined the brain and found out that the left frontal lobe of the cerebrum coordinates the personality development. This showed that Gage left frontal part of his cerebr um got damaged. This affected his personality development, hence the reason wherefore there was a loose in his personality. The doctors examined the lesion in the brain and made a conclusion that, the left frontal part of the brain controlled the personality of human beings. So, Gage left frontal part of his cerebrum got damaged explaining why he lost his personality (Linden, 2007). Gage could not make rational decisions and his emotions were unstable. After the accident, doctors treated Gage, but he did not fully recover from the treatment. The doctors discovered how Gage decisions and emotions got affected. This encouraged the doctors to examine the human brain and find out what affected his decision making and his emotions. The doctors found out that the reform sum total the left prefrontal cortices of the brain remained damaged. This showed that the cortices were responsible for the functioning of human emotions and decision making (Fleischman, 2004). The doctors examined th e left and right prefrontal cortices and came up with a conclusion that they were responsible for the coordination of emotions and decision making in human beings. The guide revealed how the human brain works. Different parts of the brain often get associated with its cognitive functioning. One of the cognitive functions of the brain is to coordinate the emotions and decision making the human being. The study of the brain by the doctors enabled the doctors understand the functioning of the brain. This brain study led to understanding the functioning of

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